Command Line Interface

Usage: noonian [options] [command]

  -V, --version                       output the version number
  -h, --help                          output usage information

  start [options] [instanceName]      launch an instance
  stop [options] [instanceName]       stop a running instance
  restart [options] [instanceName]    restart a running instance
  env [options] [instanceName]        show environment variables for launching an instance (returns source-able list of variable export lines)
  list                                list configured instances
  status                              list the currently-running Noonian instances
  startall                            Start all of the configured Noonian instances
  init [options] <instanceName>       initialize directory for a instance
  bootstrap [options] [instanceName]  bootstrap database for an instance
  add [options]                       add an existing instance to the index
  remove <instanceName>               remove an instance from the instance index
  dbdump [options] [instanceName]     call mongodump to create a dump of the database
  dbshell [options] [instanceName]    start mongo shell for the instance's database
  open [options] [instanceName]       launch browser window
  watch [options] [instanceName]      watch stdout and stderr of an instance
  pm2-eco                             generate pm2 ecosystem JSON (print to stdout)

Instance Set-up

init, bootstrap, add, remove

Process Management

The CLI contains basic functionality for managing Noonian instances on the local machine. These features are meant for use in a development envrionment. For a production deployment, either a Docker container or a more sophisticated process management tool such as PM2 is recommended.

Start / Stop / Restart


PM2 Ecosystem Generation


Database Dump

Database Shell

Get Environment Variables

Installing Bash Autocompletion

The Noonian CLI has a bash auto-completion script so commands and instance names can be auto-completed at the command prompt.

If you have root access to the system, you can create a symbolic link in /etc/bash_completion.d to the NOONIAN_HOME/template/bash_completion.d

ln -s /path/to/installation/node_modules/noonian/template/ /etc/bash_completion.d/noonian

If you do not have root access, you can simply source the in your .bashrc. (Alternatively, refer to this discussion for other options)